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The Soul Garden...

Aggiornamento: 29 ago 2020

Adds something special to the interior of your life: creativity!

A very unusual creations of plants in pots, bowls, baskets and other packaging possibilities.

They combine the plants with a range of materials, from glass or ceramic to zinc, wood or rope.

And in every case, it is an eye-catching design.

They made set collections per season.


Hand-made Elements stands for an assortment that changes every time.

Each year we create several collections.

Naturally, they respond to the set peak moments in the year,

with these familiar themes >:

Valentine's Day,


Mother's Day,


Along with these familiar themes, they can surprise customers with collections that are not associated with a particular event.

And as customising specialists, they enjoy discussing with our clients the possibilities for custom-made arrangements.

These arrangements match the particular shop formula and price range.

We found more information at >

P.S. x Silvia/Giulia se clicchi su Aao... ti porta direttamente alla Homepage in inglese ok?

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